Thursday, June 26, 2008

Final Advert and Awards Evening Evaluation

The legal constraints for my group’s radio advert did not limit my possibilities or restrict us having any problems with producing these adverts. We tried to get a certain piece of music but couldn’t due to copyright issues. We wanted the theme of Terminator II, but could not download it as we had to pay for it and register to the particular software. With the editing of the montage, there were not any legal constraints whatsoever and I was particularly happy with the final product, which was shown on the night. The only real legal problems were due to filming the audience, because we did not have the necessary release forms.
However, there were no regulatory/professional constraints apart from the length of the montage. The montage had to be cut considerably in the length of the time. This was due to how long the song used was, as well as how many clips could be used and how much footage we could find at the time.
Because of financial reasons as well as other reasons we could not have a stage within a bigger venue. Also because of financial reasons we could get the amount of ward the statues that were needed. Plus, we could not find a technician which would accept the amount of money we were offering them, so we kept on advertising for the position. Eventually we found someone, but he was not of the quality we were looking for.
I lead the group at the point which we were in the middle of creating the pitch. This was because we were not ready for the pitch, but I pulled the group together on the final day and got all the work together and printed off what was needed and threw away the pieces of work that were not needed. I contributed the main part of the pitch which was the PowerPoint presentation. For the radio advert I did contribute some ideas for the script, but the group decided that none were good enough or fitted with the Awards ceremony.
During the production of the advert and the pitch we held many scheduled meetings to decide what needed to be done, what we were going to say in the pitch and what the script should be like for the advert. We said our ideas, some did not go down to well with the others, but some ideas were agreed on.
Our group’s agreed outcomes/working to timescales was diverse. To achieve what we set out to do, we set ourselves deadlines which were every two weeks. We struggled with the pitch and the recording of the advert. But, in the end we just made it. To keep within the timescale we produced a production diary. Each time we held a meeting we made notes and wrote into the production diary what we done in that session and what we had planned for the next session. If we were to do the advert and the evening again I would make sure that we have all the necessary footage on hand and all in one place at the start before we begin editing. Also, I would make sure that we should devise the script at the beginning of the project, so to save time and produce a better quality product.
So far I have not received feedback for the advert, but if was to go get feedback off of students then I would either ask people to do a written survey or I would get people to do an online survey while they are in lessons. If I was to do most of what I did in a professional workplace then I believe it would acceptable. The way I worked within the editing aspect I believe would be acceptable in a professional workplace. What would be unacceptable would be how well I organised meetings and how well I organised the producing of the script.

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